New AI-Service: Disover our Small LLM GPT Model

Knowledge with Vision

MyGPT with RAG for Knowledge Discovery: Boost Your Productivity with Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Increase Your Employees’ Productivity by 37% with Efficient Access to Internal and External Knowledge, Powered by RAG Technology.

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bereits auf Leftshift One

Why Choose MyGPT for Your Knowledge Management?

Knowledge at Your Fingertips – For Teams That Want to Work More Efficiently.

MyGPT leverages advanced AI technologies like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and semantic search to connect your team directly with the knowledge they need – quickly, efficiently, and securely. Improve productivity, reduce search times, and sustainably expand your organizational knowledge.

Boost your employees’ productivity with instant knowledge access using MyGPT

Faster Access to Company Knowledge

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Data

Thanks to RAG and semantic search, your employees gain real-time access to information and can use it efficiently.

Tailored, precise answers

Custom answers for every need

Generate answers tailored to your company's specific context, enhancing the quality of internal communication.

Data Security and Control

Your data remains your data.

With MyGPT, you maintain complete control and security over your data, supported by the highest standards of data privacy.

How MyGPT Works in Knowledge Management

Simple, Secure, Effective.

  • Expanded Knowledge: Access internal databases and documents to continuously enhance knowledge with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).
  • Semantic Search: Intuitively understands queries and delivers relevant results through advanced RAG technologies.
  • Data Sovereignty: Full control and security of your data.
  • Fast Integration: Seamless implementation into your existing systems.
  • Scalable: Dynamically adapts to the needs of your business, supported by our flexible technology.
Numbers That Speak for Themselves

Revolutionize Your Knowledge Management with MyGPT

- 14 %
Increase Employee Productivity

 By leveraging MyGPT’s rapid information delivery, your employees can boost their productivity by up to 37%.

*Sources and figures are based on the customer survey from Q4 2023.

+ 12 %
Efficiency Boost

 Enhance access to corporate knowledge and increase efficiency by 65% through the use of AI-powered search and knowledge expansion.

*Sources and figures are based on the customer survey from Q4 2023.

+ 10 %
Enhanced Knowledge Retention

 MyGPT helps you preserve your corporate knowledge, ensuring that your valuable insights are sustainably utilized and securely maintained.

*Sources and figures are based on the customer survey from Q4 2023.

Effizienteres Knowledge Management mit KI-Unterstützung

CDO, VTU Top Group

MyGPT hat unser Wissensmanagement revolutioniert und die Produktivität unseres Teams spürbar gesteigert

KI als Schlüssel für effizientes Knowledge Management

Mit MyGPT haben wir unser internes Wissensmanagement wesentlich verbessert.

Durch MyGPT konnten wir den Zugriff auf Wissen beschleunigen und die Sicherheit unserer Daten gewährleisten. Die Implementierung war einfach, und die positiven Auswirkungen auf unseren Arbeitsablauf sind enorm.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit MyGPT hat unseren Ansatz zum Wissensmanagement verbessert, ohne unsere Arbeitsweise zu ändern. Ein wertvoller Fortschritt für unser Team.

Faster Access, Better Decisions

Efficient Management of Internal Company Knowledge

MyGPT accelerates access to relevant knowledge through advanced RAG technologies, boosting employee satisfaction and optimizing decision-making processes.

Transform your knowledge management with the intelligence of MyGPT.

Direct dialogue with your company's knowledge

Interaction via Chatbot for direct Knowledge Access

MyGPT enables employees to interact with a chatbot to obtain immediate answers and solutions, significantly increasing productivity.

Leverage MyGPT for direct access to company knowledge—anytime and anywhere.

Future-proof Knowledge Management

Expanding and Protecting Your Knowledge

With MyGPT, you can sustainably expand and secure your corporate knowledge by ensuring data security and continuously integrating new information.

With MyGPT, you build a future-proof and protected knowledge management system.

Discover MyGPT: Transform your data into valuable insights in just a few simple steps.

With MyGPT, harnessing the power of Generative AI is a breeze!

 In the Kick-Off Call, we’ll identify your needs, securely analyze your data, and set everything up for an immediate start with MyGPT.

Your Partner for Advanced AI Solutions

Trust Leftshift One for advanced AI solutions in Knowledge Management and Knowledge Retrieval, supported by our RAG technology. With a strong focus on data privacy and security, we offer everything from integration to specialized plugins to make your business more efficient and competitive. Leftshift One is your experienced partner for secure, efficient AI strategies with Retrieval-Augmented Generation that deliver real results..

Free Initial Consultation for MyGPT

Your Digital Edge with Artificial Intelligence

What to Expect in 60 Minutes:

  • Potential Analysis: We’ll explore how AI can be specifically applied in your company to optimize processes.
  • MyGPT Overview: Discover how MyGPT works and how generative AI can benefit your business.
  • Implementation: Learn how to seamlessly and quickly integrate MyGPT into your company’s operations.
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