New AI-Service: Disover our Small LLM GPT Model

KI>Inside Podcast - 7min KI-Wissen- kurz und knackig erklärt

The 5 Stages of Implementing AI in a business

Welcome to our new short format of the AI Inside Podcast: “7 Minutes of AI Knowledge – explained briefly and succinctly.” Our host, Patrick Ratheiser, shares exclusive insights from AI practice with you here. Compact and concise, for those who have little time and want to get the most out of it.

In this episode of our short format of the AI Inside Podcast, Patrick Ratheiser presents a clear and practical guide for implementing artificial intelligence in your business. Learn about the five stages of integrating AI and how you can effectively implement them.

Stay tuned to find out how you can integrate AI into your business!

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AI for everyone who wants to know MORE

Dive deep into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Patrick Ratheiser and his selected guests. This podcast not only offers exciting insights into the mechanisms and potentials of AI but also sheds light on what it really takes to lead an AI project to success.

Have you ever wondered if common myths about AI, such as high costs, are really true? Patrick and his guests dispel such misunderstandings and provide clear, well-founded insights into the actual opportunities and challenges in the field of AI.

A particular focus is on the challenge of generative AI, like ChatGPT. These advanced systems, capable of producing content barely distinguishable from human-generated products, offer immense possibilities but also carry risks.

How can businesses use these Technologies safely and effectively?

Additionally, various industries and specific use cases for AI are presented to show how diverse and revolutionary this technology can be in practice.

Whether you are new to AI or an experienced professional, the AI Inside Podcast offers valuable insights and discussions that will broaden and deepen your understanding of Artificial Intelligence.

Every other week, we offer you a fresh episode full of new insights and perspectives.

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Are you looking to start your own AI project or need support in identifying potential use cases? Here you can schedule an appointment with us.

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